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Pastor Sheldon Emry

This is a video based on one of the most important booklets that Pastor Emry ever wrote.
In just 45 minutes, you are shown your true heritage, descending from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as a true Israelite.
It is available in DVD format from the store.

Heirs Of The Promise
This great message was one of Pastor Emry's last Bible conference sermons in the summer of 1984. He was a cryptographer in the military, and uses this background to explain why most, other than God's covenant people, cannot understand His message to them.

Eyes Only
The Penalty For Serving False Gods
Given by Pastor Emry at a 1982 Bible conference

The Penalty for Serving False gods
This short video is of Pastor Emry's opening message at his last Bible conference held in 1984.

Come Out Of Babylon
Why Trust God?

Why Trust God?
America Is God's Country

America Is God's Country
Plunder By Debt Usury

Plunder By Debt Usury
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