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Book 7 : The Kingdom of God Manifested

Book 7 : The Kingdom of God Manifested


The Kingdom of God Manifested: Conquering the Kingdom of Darkness is a review of what has gone wrong and biblical principles on how to realize the rule and reign of God in our lives, our families, our churches and nations.

The Kingdom of God has been established and is ready to be manifested – NOW!

Jesus Christ reigns on the throne of David over the house of Jacob – NOW!

His Kingdom can be realized in righteousness, peace, joy and power in the Holy Spirit – NOW!

God, the Father, through His Son Jesus Christ and by the Spirit is ready to fulfill His rule and reign in and through His holy Covenant People – NOW!

The Covenant People are the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the true people of Israel today – the Anglo-Celto-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and racial kindred.

The Kingdom of God manifested means taking dominion now over this present darkness. This book explains God’s purpose and plan to do just that!

The Kingdom of God Manifested is the seventh book in a 7-book series.

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